Kyle said the service at this business is always professional and quick.


Bridges Automotive staff is knowledgeable and dependable. My car is well cared for on a continuous basis. I rely on them implicitly.


promptly completed


Jim said the business was very professional.


They went above and beyond to help us when we got a flat tire on the first day of our family vacation. They were friendly, patient with my rambunctious 4 year old, and so helpful. Not only that, they have the nicest bathroom! I know that sounds silly, but their overall attention to detail is just indicative of their focus on the customer.


I had an emergency and had to drive back to Pennsylvania on short notice. My truck was due for service. Even though they had a full schedule, they still managed to squeeze me in and had me on my way in 45 minutes. I can't say enough how much I appreciate their high degree of service and attention. I would give Bridges my highest recommendation!


Bob was very pleased to get his AC going again. Thank you so much. He wonders if the bicycle holder has arrived yet. We are anxious to get started riding!


Marlene said this business always does a good job.


We needed our car serviced on very short notice. Although Bridges Automotive was slammed at the time, they accepted our vehicle and completed the work on the same day. Exceptional customer service.


I recommend!

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